Tehachapi Valley Hospital

Tehachapi, CA
Adventist Health

In 2013, the Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District and the general contractor selected and awarded L&H Airco the Alerton BACnet Energy Management System contract for the new 25-bed state-of-the-art Tehachapi Replacement Critical Access Hospital. The remote location of the 20-acre project in the mountains between Bakersfield and the Mojave Desert posed logistic challenges for all trades including L&H Airco. These challenges were overcome by extensive pre-construction preparedness in-house and close coordination with the many trades that either directly or indirectly integrated with the Alerton BACnet Energy Management System. In 2016, Adventist Health assumed operations of the Hospital and in 2018, the Hospital opened to the public for service. L&H Airco currently remains an active team member assisting the Hospital staff in reaching their goal of Joint Commission Accreditation.